Friends of Heltwate School

The school’s Parents and Friends Association (PFA) contributes greatly to the life of the school, raising funds and organising social events for families.

The Heltwate PFA is a registered charity that has been in operation for many years, and its aims are to support the pupils attending the school.  The committee does invaluable work by supporting pupils and their families in many ways, such as arranging social events for students and fundraising to provide facilities not normally provided by the Local Authority.  Every parent/carer automatically becomes eligible to serve on the PFA committee when their child is admitted to the school and you will always be welcome at PFA meetings.  Friends of Heltwate School is a group of parents and staff who meet each half term to try to think of ways to raise money for the school and pupils.

They help to organise and run events throughout the year to try to boost the school funds.

One of the fundraising aims is to take pupils away on residential trips, such as our Disney Christmas Trip. As the cost of this is prohibitive for some, Friends of Heltwate aims to subsidise the cost, making it more affordable for families.

Our school newsletter keeps you informed of their work.  The members of the committee work hard during the course of the school year and your support will always be appreciated. If interested please contact Michelle Bull (Chair), via, or by phoning the school office