At Heltwate we evaluate our work on an ongoing basis. This enables us to identify what we are doing well and what areas could be further improved. Observations and data are gathered throughout the year to support us in this self-evaluation. This feeds into our school improvement plan.
The aim of our improvement plan is to maximise pupils’ academic achievement and personal development. It sets out the school’s strategy and planning with clear areas for improvement in the year ahead; it also identifies the progress made and impact of our previous plan.
The Plan is developed through discussion and consultation with, staff, governors, parents and pupils. It is informed by the school self-evaluation summary. This is an organic document and amendments to the plan are likely throughout the year. The plan is reviewed by the senior leadership team, governors and curriculum leads at the end of every term to identify progress, impact and identify new areas for focus.
The plan incorporates the school’s response to the recommendations made in its last Ofsted Inspection report. (Nov 2018).
Alongside this plan we have separate detailed improvement plans for each statement.