The School Day

School doors open at 8.40 a.m.

No pupils will be admitted into school before this time

Pupils arrive and come straight into activities in classrooms.

Morning Session -8.40 a.m. until lunchtime – ( 12 p.m.- 1 p.m. or 12.30 p.m.-1.30 p.m.)

Afternoon session 1.00 p.m- 3.10 p.m. or 1.30 p.m – 3.10 p.m.

The end of the day for all pupils is 3.10 p.m.


Assembly and Collective Worship

At Heltwate School Assemblies help share information and key messages with students and staff, they create school spirit, and generate learning, celebrate success, belonging and are fun!

Assemblies are broadly Christian in nature, whilst reflecting and celebrating multi-faith traditions of the school. They also address many personal, social, health, world issues and British values. There is a fixed timetable which addresses key events during the year yet is reactive to current affairs and topical issues.

The school provides age and understanding appropriate interactive assemblies on 3 different sites. On a Wednesday afternoon there is a collective assembly for all pupils who can access it in person in the main hall, St. George’s Hall, and the Jubilee Hall.  The main site and St. Georges have a rota which identifies appropriate topics throughout the year. The Jubilee provides a more therapeutic assembly focusing on singing, music, and social skill development. For pupils or classes unable to access assemblies each class teacher will address topics in an appropriate way for that class and individuals’ learning needs.

Every Friday, a whole school Achievement Assembly is held virtually to share and celebrate pupils and staff achievements. All classes populate a shared presentation which identify successes of that class that week. This is usually presented by the Headteacher. Heltwate Jubilee hosts its own in person assembly celebrating the achievements of each class.

Each day classes have an individual ‘Good Morning’ routine which draws the class together.